Does your IT staff represent your typical average employee, in terms of personal characteristics, needs and motivations? How do you deal with “star” developers? What does teamworking mean for your IT teams? Why are some development teams more successful than others? How
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The digital transformation is the driving force of our time, disruptively changing our businesses, processes and structures. However, it cannot be determined by specific, isolated digitisation projects or initiatives. We are happy to support you with our expertise in the strategic planning
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Are your projects prioritised transparently, planned effectively and implemented professionally and smoothly, on time and within budget, with the required quality? Many small tasks can be handled directly within the classical line organisation, but more complex projects usually require cross-organisational cooperation, clear
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Do you already have a modern, optimal and efficient IT compatible organisation tailored to your business, culture and workforce? Are you just trying to copy trendy models, one for one? Many years of experience in change management and employee leadership, profound knowledge
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Sirius IT Solutions is your service provider for IT management and organisation, optimisation of IT processes, IT strategy, business analysis, conception and realisation. We support you in all phases of your project and have the experience to master even large or global
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